So let’s take a first look at what it looks like to build with our toolchain. I’ll be running my toolchain through docker on MacOS. Clone or download llvm environment container project under your $HOME address, eg.
git clone
Source the script
source llvm-mos-docker/
Starting container...
Now, you should be able to access llvm commands by prefixing ‘llvm_exec’
llvm_exec clang
clang: error: no input files
Example Program
We’ll be looking at an example courtesy of Memblers post on which appears to be a modification of another example done for cc65 compiler. Let’s look at the contents
% ls example11-llvm-mos
chars.s ex.bat example11.c tileset.chr
Taking a quick look at the contents, we can assume that ex.bat is responsible for the build and check the contents to execute
% cat example11-llvm-mos/ex.bat
call mos-nes-nrom-clang example11.c chars.s -lneslib -o example11.nes -O3 -flto
We’ll take the call portion of the batch file and execute it within our container.
% cd example11-llvm-mos && llvm_exec mos-nes-nrom-clang example11.c chars.s -lneslib -o example11.nes -O3 -flto
% ls
chars.s example11.c example11.nes tileset.chr
ex.bat example11.nes.elf
So just what do we have here.
example11.nes | Nintendo Image |
example11.nes.elf | Program Generated ELF File | | Mesen Lua Script Bytecode for Debugging |
Running the Program
Now, load of the image in your favorite emulator and give it a run!
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